Name Nobel Prize Category Year Awarded
Haavelmo, Trygve Economics 1989
Haber, Fritz Chemistry 1918
Hahn, Otto Chemistry 1944
Haldane, F. Duncan M. Physics 2016
Hall, John L. Physics 2005
Hammarskjoeld, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Peace 1961
Hamsun, Knut Pedersen Literature 1920
Hänsch, Theodor W. Physics 2005
Hansen, Lars Peter Economics 2013
Harden, Sir Arthur Chemistry 1929
Haroche, Serge Physics 2012
Harsanyi, John C. Economics 1994
Hartline, Haldan Keffer Medicine 1967
Hartwell, Leland H. Medicine 2001
Hassel, Odd Chemistry 1969
Hauptman, Herbert A. Chemistry 1985
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert Literature 1912
zur Hausen, Harald Medicine 2008
Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Chemistry 1937
Hayek, Friedrich August Von Economics 1974
Heckman, James J. Economics 2000
Heaney, Seamus Literature 1995
Heeger, Alan J. Chemistry 2000
Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner Von Literature 1916
Heisenberg, Werner Physics 1932
Hemingway, Ernest Miller Literature 1954
Hench, Philip Showalter Medicine 1950
Henderson, Arthur Peace 1934
Herschbach, Dudley R. Chemistry 1986
Hershey, Alfred D. Medicine 1969
Hershko, Avram Chemistry 2004
Hertz, Gustav Physics 1925
Herzberg, Gerhard Chemistry 1971
Hess, Victor Franz Physics 1936
Hess, Walter Rudolf Medicine 1949
Hesse, Hermann Literature 1946
Hevesy, George De Chemistry 1943
Hewish, Antony Physics 1974
Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Medicine 1938
Heyrovsky, Jaroslav Chemistry 1959
Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig Literature 1910
Hicks, Sir John R. Economics 1972
Higgs, Peter W. Physics 2013
Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian Medicine 1922
Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman Chemistry 1956
Hitchings, George H. Medicine 1988
Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Chemistry 1964
Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd Medicine 1963
Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Chemistry 1901
Hoffmann, Jules A. Medicine 2011
Hoffmann, Roald Chemistry 1981
Hofstadter, Robert Physics 1961
Holley, Robert W. Medicine 1968
Hooft, Gerardus 't Physics 1999
Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Medicine 1929
Horvitz, H. Robert Medicine 2002
Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey N. Medicine 1979
Houssay, Bernardo Alberto Medicine 1947
Hubel, David H. Medicine 1981
Huber, Robert Chemistry 1988
Huggins, Charles Brenton Medicine 1966
Hull, Cordell Peace 1945
Hulse, Russell A. Physics 1993
Hume, David Peace 1998
Hunt, R. Timothy Medicine 2001
Hurwicz, Leonid Economics 2007
Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding Medicine 1963

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